The programme for Summer 2024 is available, click here for term card.

Summer 2024 Home Group Resources

Following our series covering the whole book of Romans, we’re taking slower pace through Romans 8 in our evening services. The next few Home Group resources will be based around these talks. If you are not able to get to the evening service then talks are available on the website.
w/c 7th Apr Romans: Hope Romans 8
w/c 21st Apr Life in the Spirit – Freedom and Mind. Romans 8 v 1 – 8
w/c 5th May Life in the Spirit – Life and Future Romans 8 v 12 – 25
w/c 19th May Wholehearted Mission – Go Acts 1:1-9; 2:1-21
w/c 2nd Jun Wholehearted Mission – Live Acts 2:42 – 3:26; 4:32 – 37
w/c 16th Jun Praying for Mission Resources. (Acts 4: 23 – 31)
w/c 7th July Faithful justice Malachi 2:17 – 3:5
w/c 21st July Faithful reverence Malachi 3:13 – 18

Spring 2024 Home Group Resources
Our headline theme for the year is Wholehearted Living.  Romans gives us the foundation and implications for living this way.  As we work through the year we’ll keep coming back to this theme – what does living wholeheartedly for Christ look like in everyday lives?

Our home group studies will follow the pattern of picking up the topic from the Sunday ahead of the home group.  This means there won’t be notes for every section of Romans.  Each study is linked to the Sunday talk preceding the home group. If people aren’t able to be at the service, then please encourage them to catch up online via YouTube or the talks page on the Belmont Exeter website. 


Resources available include a study guide for all sections of Romans, leaders notes, teaching videos (about 25 mins each) and testimony videos (3 – 5 mins each). Each session is available until the end of April via the links below

w/c 7th Jan Romans: Gospel Romans 1:1-17
w/c 21st Jan Romans: Salvation Romans 3:21 – 4:25
w/c 4th Feb Romans: Freedom Romans 6:1-7;25
w/c 18th Feb Romans: Mystery Romans 9:1- 11:36
w/c 3rd Mar Romans: Community Romans 13:1 – 14:23
w/c 17th Mar Romans: Mission Romans 15 & 16
w/c 7th Apr Romans: Hope Romans 8

The FULL SET of videos can now be accessed via this link

To respect the copyright of the Bible Society there is a password required to access the files.  The password has been sent to Home Group Leaders or is available from the Belmont Office (same for all sessions).  Feel free to adapt this content, or to study other passages. 

Here are four books you may find helpful to have available for study leaders through the series.

Romans: A Letter That Makes Sense of Life             Andrew Ollerton,        pub. Bible Society
The Message of Romans (Bible Speaks Today)        John Stott                   pub. IVP
Paul for Everyone: Romans (Parts 1 & 2)                  Tom Wright                pub. SPCK
For a different approach that puts the church community in Rome at the heart of the letter, then Reading Romans Backwards                           Scott McKnight          pub. Baylor

Resources to help us read the Bible with another person

John Allan spoke at the Belmont Church Meeting on 20th March 2019 about reading the Bible with another person.  Click here for John’s guidance notes to help us.  The notes are also in printed form on the Information Point in the Concourse at Belmont.

And the document, Bible Reading Resources contains are some other suggestions for use in small groups or one-to-one reading.

Here are a range of resources from the CARE TEAM


Books on Mental Health

Mental Heath First Aid guide


Dementia Resources


Map my marriage

Marriage books, dvds and podcasts

The Marriage Course run at Belmont


How others can help

There are also a general helpful books and dvds to borrow .  Contact the Belmont Office

Useful websites from the Care Team.

Care for the Family – they promote strong family life and many relevant issues and resources.

Mind and Soul Foundation. – The Christian faith and mental health.  Articles and resources.

Biblical Counselling UK. – A number of very good articles re counselling ( small c ) people.