We run a range of activities for families – from groups for toddlers, children or parents to altogether family gatherings. Some of our midweek groups are currently full, but you can come along for a taster and then sign up to the waiting list to join a group, or contact us for more information before visiting. We’d love to welcome you to at any of our weekend activities and get to know you better. Click on each one below to find out more details on what’s coming up soon, and book tickets if required.
Upcoming Events
Our Regular Weekly Pattern is usually as follows:
Monday – Toddlers
Tuesday – Bash and Bang
Wednesday – Toddlers
Thursday – Toddlers and Baby Group
Friday – F@B kids
Saturday – Dads & Tods (twice monthly)
Sunday – 0-11s children’s sessions
For additional information on these activities (ie timings, ages, location etc) please click on the upcoming events above.
Here are more details about what is happening in our Friday, Saturday and Sunday groups this term:

F@B Kids on Friday nights is for those in reception to year 6. Pre-booking is essential – see above for link.

Kids4Christ is for those in school year 1-3 and meets upstairs in Upper Seminar Room on a Sunday morning.
For more information about our midweek activities, contact Amy Davis and for weekend Groups , contact Rachel Morris
Belmont Chapel is committed to safeguarding children and young people. You can find out more about how we do this by clicking here