At Belmont we are growing life-long disciples of Christ from the very young to the very old. So we encourage Students and Young Adults to become part of the life of the whole church family – serving, learning and worshipping alongside others of different ages and backgrounds; whilst also knowing that we’re investing in you at this unique time in your lives.


If you’re new to Belmont, we’d love to meet you, please get in touch with Jen to meet up for a coffee !

Contact Jen via instagram, facebook or email


Our student community meets fortnightly, in term time on Thursday evenings for a meal, Bible discussion and prayer 7-9.30pm. On other weeks we offer relaxed praise & prayer nights and socials at Belmont and in church members’ homes. Event details will appear here, and also on instagram and facebook.

Get an idea of what happens on our video:-

Growing in Christ Together

We’re encouraging one another to grow – in our faith and life journey, by receiving from and giving to the life of the church.

Jesus Christ is at the heart of all we do – so we’re seeking to get to know and love Him more, become more like Him and share Him with others.

We do this together – as part of a caring student community and the wider church family.

On Campus

Many Belmont student’s are involved in the Exeter University Evangelical Christian Union (ECU), Just Love or other activities on campus and beyond and we love to encourage you in your witness for Jesus.

Beyond the Student Bubble..

There’s loads of chances for students to get involved with Belmont church family life, including:-

home groups for hospitality and discipleship through small group prayer and Bible discussion.

serving on teams: working with children, young people, older people, sound and vision, music, communications and much more!

one to on Bible reading/discipleship with an older, more mature Christian is an important way of growing your faith.

To find out more, find us on instagram or facebook or email Jen

International students

We love to welcome international students into our church family life! If you’d like to visit a local home for a meal or meet with a friend who’ll read the Bible one-to-one with you and help you grow in your knowledge of Jesus Christ during your time here, please do email Jen.

We can also link you with the local Globe Café (run by Friends International and the university Evangelical Christian Union), who run events and Bible study groups for international students in Exeter.

Find out more about Globe Café on instagram or facebook.

PhD Group

Several PhD students attend Belmont and there is a group of PhD students which meets regularly for prayer, discussion and encouragement.  Contact Jen for more info.

Young Adults: 18-25

Being a young adult brings with it a unique combination of opportunities and challenges (and often quite a lot of change!). At Belmont, we love being part of an all-age church family, but also to encourage one another and learn together at this stage of life – whether we have just left college or university, are working, training, studying or looking for the next step. We meet for socials, meals, discussions and seminars on an ad hoc basis. Whether you feel you’ve got things pretty much all together, or are figuring out life a day at a time – you’re so welcome, and we can’t wait to get to know you!

For more information about social events and seminars for young adults, as well as home groups, mentoring, and other aspects of church family life, please contact Jen in the office.