Current Series

Morning Series

The Road to Renewal

The Old Testament Prophet Malachi calls God’s people back to live faithfully throughout their lives. We can easily find ourselves subject to drift and compromise. Malachi’s call challenges us again to return to God our saviour, and king.

Evening Series

The Power of RE

The good news of Jesus brings transformation for individuals and the world. In this series we’ll reflect themes (all beginning with RE-) by going through particular Bible passages.

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The Bible Jesus Read

Morning Series

Do you want to know Jesus better? We take seven key sentences from the Old Testament, The bible Jesus Read, and use these to view the gran narrative that filled Jesus mind.

Good Tree / Good Fruit

Morning Series

In this summer series we will consider some of the examples of people who are called by God to make significant choices and reflect on how they encourage us to grow as followers of Jesus, like flourishing trees producing good fruit for God's kingdom.

With Jesus in the garden

Evening Series

Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is full of movement. It’s a prayer that invites us not simply to listen to Jesus as He prays, but to be involved with Him as He prays, and to draw alongside Him as He connects very deeply with His Father.

One another

Evening Series

Most of the 'one another' statement are instructions describing how we relate to each other as Christ's followers. But imagine what those same attitudes and actions could reveal about the transformational power of the good news of Jesus if we applied them to every-day situations.

Let justice roll

Evening Series

Amos stands out as the defender of the poor and accuser of the powerful rich: those who use God's name to legitimise their self serving religiosity. The book of Amos calls God's people to return to true worship centre on justice: a message as relevant today as it was when first written.


Evening Series

A series designed to equip us to be better prepared to represent Christ on our Frontlines every day. In addition to the Sunday teaching, this series will be accompanied by a Lenten reading plan and prayer guide.

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