Current Series

Morning Series

The Road to Renewal

The Old Testament Prophet Malachi calls God’s people back to live faithfully throughout their lives. We can easily find ourselves subject to drift and compromise. Malachi’s call challenges us again to return to God our saviour, and king.

Evening Series

The Power of RE

The good news of Jesus brings transformation for individuals and the world. In this series we’ll reflect themes (all beginning with RE-) by going through particular Bible passages.

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The Rest is Worship

Evening Series

Jesus invites us to come to Him and rest. Being still creates a space where we can know God, glorify him and have our souls restored. As we come to the end of lent, join us to discover how, in a world and a church that is often busy, distracted and striving, we explore rest as an act of worship.

Wise Living

Evening Series

Wisdom is at the heart of a life well lived. Many Bible writers point us to choose wisdom, to make wise choices. In the well-known picture of the house-builders in Matthew it is the wise builder who is praised. So how do we find wisdom? And, how does it work out in our worship and lives?

Newquay 2024 - Romans 5

None Series

Romans 5 and overview with Andrew Ollerton


Morning Series

Living wholeheartedly for God is an adventure which can be exciting, challenging and sometimes a bit overwhelming. The good news of the Jesus affects each of us, our communities, our families, our work, our leisure. Paul’s letter to the Romans shows us how.

Light and Life | Psalms of Christmas

Morning Series

The Psalms are songs of God's people and, as we prepare for Christmas, we've chosen these psalms as a soundtrack to help us share in the long preparation for Jesus' first coming, and to turn our eyes and voices towards praise of Immanuel, God with us.

We are the Church

Evening Series

The Apostle Paul's first letter to this wayward church tackles a huge range of issues with punchy clarity. This letter is a reminder to us all that whilst we will always be a work-in-progress, God's transforming power is at work within His people - His church.

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