Current Series

Morning Series

The Road to Renewal

The Old Testament Prophet Malachi calls God’s people back to live faithfully throughout their lives. We can easily find ourselves subject to drift and compromise. Malachi’s call challenges us again to return to God our saviour, and king.

Evening Series

The Power of RE

The good news of Jesus brings transformation for individuals and the world. In this series we’ll reflect themes (all beginning with RE-) by going through particular Bible passages.

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Redeeming Ruth

Evening Series

Ruth was no powerful princess, just a young, vulnerable widow, an impoverished outsider. This ordinary little story of faithfulness has been woven into God’s great plan to send us a Redeemer.

What would Jesus say to ...

Morning Series

Jesus spoke into the lives of many people in the Bible…if he were walking the planet today as he did 2000 years ago, what would he say to some of our prominent figures? What would Jesus say to: The Most Powerful, The Most Successful, The Most Listened-To people in our culture today?


Morning Series

Can we really have enough of anything? In a society that offers increasingly-creative ways to feed our seemingly insatiable desire for more how can we find fulfilment? Jesus Christ is enough.

Wisdom Literature - how to read it

Evening Series

“Wisdom” books of the Old Testament are some of the most difficult for us to understand. Yet when we understand what they’re trying to do, they can be immensely rewarding! They aim to give us practical principles for living which will work in any situation.

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