Current Series
Morning Series
Dead and Alive
We follow a crucified and risen Saviour, a ’was dead and is alive for ever’ Lord. We begin the year unpacking Galatians 2.20. We are called into a dying and risen way that is the path we take in following Jesus. We celebrate the unique act of Jesus on the cross and in the resurrection.
Evening Series
This evening series will take us through the first five chapters of Revelation. In the middle of the term we will look at the seven letters to seven churches, but this will be bookended by heavenly visions that inform our worship.
Passion, Prayer, Power, Praise
Evening Series
The first followers of Jesus lived in a multi-faith and often hostile culture, just as we do, and yet their message and influence spread like wildfire across the Roman Empire. The book of Acts is their story.
Habakkuk - From Fear to Faith
Evening Series
How is it, says the prophet, that injustice goes unchecked? Why do the wicked prosper whilst God’s people suffer persecution and oppression? As the story unfolds we hear God’s answers and they make for very uncomfortable reading. But all is not lost. God is in control.
Shocking encounters
Morning Series
In his last days Luke’s account records a number of shocking encounters, where people see Jesus in a new way. Collectively and individually, we can be affirmed in our faith as we see Jesus straighten out misunderstandings, comfort those who doubt him, and instruct his followers.
Small Stories, big ideas
Evening Series
Jesus captured the ears of his audience with stories which often contained unusual twists or left those listening to work things out for themselves. In this series we explore some of Jesus’ wisdom sayings and ask the questions who do you identify with most in each story and why?
Morning Series
When Jesus was on this earth he showed outrageous generosity. How can we respond with our own thankfulness, joy and generosity?
Promised Land Living
Evening Series
The people had been rescued from Egypt, they had crossed the Red Sea and were now travelling through the wilderness with God’s provision and presence a daily reality. Just like the Israelites of old, you and I are called to “Follow Him”; to be His people on the move.