Current Series

Morning Series

Resurrection People

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus the King coming to His people, Easter Day and resurrection sees that kingdom come to life. This series helps us delve deeper into living as resurrection people.

Evening Series

Life in the Spirit

Who are we? What are we to do? If God has done, through Jesus Christ, all of these amazing things described earlier in the letter to Rome, then what does it mean for each of us? We’re digging deep into Romans 8 where we find answers to these most fundamental questions.

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God's Champions

Morning Series

Over this summer we’re going to look at the lives of some faith-full champions of God and be encouraged that we can grow in faith as we face challenges with God beside us.

Seeing Salvation

Evening Series

Can an artist reveal someone who is God and man, human and divine? In this Summer series we’ll take a look at some striking visual images of Christ; explore the stories of the artists who painted them and consider the scenes from Jesus’ life and ministry they seek to illuminate.


Morning Series

How can we remain faithful to our God in a world that rejects him? Is it even worth standing firm, when God’s Kingdom often seems so far away? What does it look like to Follow Him today when living as a Christian increasingly means being misunderstood, maligned and even mistreated?

Passion, Prayer, Power, Praise

Evening Series

The first followers of Jesus lived in a multi-faith and often hostile culture, just as we do, and yet their message and influence spread like wildfire across the Roman Empire. The book of Acts is their story.

Habakkuk - From Fear to Faith

Evening Series

How is it, says the prophet, that injustice goes unchecked? Why do the wicked prosper whilst God’s people suffer persecution and oppression? As the story unfolds we hear God’s answers and they make for very uncomfortable reading. But all is not lost. God is in control.

Shocking encounters

Morning Series

In his last days Luke’s account records a number of shocking encounters, where people see Jesus in a new way. Collectively and individually, we can be affirmed in our faith as we see Jesus straighten out misunderstandings, comfort those who doubt him, and instruct his followers.

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